Author: veronica
I WENT ON A TRIP by Arlene Munro
These gorgeous biro drawings and couture collages of imaginary landscapes create a truly stimulating sense of scale. The juxtaposition of far vistas with magnified flora and fauna, evoke a sense of historic romance and intrepid exploration …creating impressions of a lush and fecund forgotten natural world held timeless between the pages of a meticulous travel … [+]
DRAWINGS & EDITIONS by Ricardo Resende
Beauty. Beauty. Beauty a thousandfold to inevitably describe the series of works by artist Elizabeth Dorazio, who literally plunges into nature in her collages. The visions of her work show the artist sheltered by large leaves, huge flowers, gigantic trunks of the plants and nature’s exuberance. Her photographic collages stem from her symbolic and total … [+]
My latest body of work is a powerful return to drawing on paper. It explores the diversity in overlapping coloured paper, creating an illusion of watching nature through a glazed outer surface. It is about the viewer’s position and how changing it affects the process of perception. In these the large-scale drawings, lines and structures … [+]
OS TEMPOS E OS MARES by Marie Christiane Seiferth
With its superimposed, wave-like, non-transparent, turquoise green synthetic leaves, Time and the Seas marks the transition to a self-reflexive, conclusive phase of Elizabeth’s artistic expression. There is a marked emphasis on the aspect of temporality, of moments of infinitude. The work consists of gently undulating layers, which as a whole seem to form the shape … [+]
PANTA RHEI by Marie Christiane Seiferth
The grandiose expression of Panta rhei is acquired through the perpetual dynamism of its motif. Transparencies with a range of colors taken from the sea, plus several different forms of water droplets are suspended throughout various layers, like falling tears or scattered raindrops within the first upper third of this composition, mounted on a background … [+]
TOPOGRAPHIAE FLUENTES by Marie Christiane Seiferth
The combination of shapes and colours in this vivacious composition is inspired by the work of Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx. The numerous brightly coloured transparencies, cut into the form of waves or droplets, appear – because of the multi-dimensional composition – to be in a state of free fall, thus creating its own … [+]
SCALA NATURAE by Marie Christiane Seiferth
Aristotelian thoughts on cosmic order (in which all creatures exist to a degree of perfection, corresponding to a progressive, harmoniously-ordered whole) is here once again addressed, explored and expanded in both dimensional and personal aspects. The rounded leaves bearing colors of the sky, the sea, and human skin are threaded into an arrangement with a … [+]
ORGANUM by Marie Christiane Seiferth
On the flat superimposed layers of acrylic, parts of an organism are presented as if they were mounted on microscope slides. The observer journeys into the interior of the organism, composed of various layered sheets of pencil drawings supported on a foam base, which to the beholder seems to bring it together as one single … [+]
ORGANISMUS POLYMORPHUS by Marie Christiane Seiferth
From the perspective of an almost microscopic profundity, the viewer penetrates the interior of an organism, encountering a porous background of synthetic foam or a sensitive background of latex which, due to their very structures, are evocative of skin which has not yet been arranged in such a manner as to form a surface. Milky … [+]
AEQUILIBRIUM COSMICUM by Marie Christiane Seiferth
The basic motif depicted in the compositions of the series “Aequilibrium Cosmicum” is refracted within diverse chromatic dimensions. The arrangement and composition of the colored plastic transparencies reflect the multiplicity of the layers of colors, formulas, and dimensions, while the forms and structures sketched at certain points throughout the piece hint at anatomical figures. The … [+]